April 2019

"Linger Longer, Queen of Tonga"

Alicia Morden's story, "The Queen of Tonga," read on "The Storytellers" April 18, 2019 edition, sent me scurrying to the 'net to see if I could come up with some lyrics to the song she mentions in her story. I came up with this:

Linger longer, Queen of Tonga
Linger longer wiv us.
Linger while the English summer
Gives us all the shivvas.
While the summer east winds blow
And shake our English livvas.

And this YouTube homage by Edmund Ros with somewhat different lyrics. Enjoy!


Program Number Four is History

Audio is now available on the "Lend Us Your Ears" page of this site for yesterday's edition of "The Storytellers," our fourth show, on OZCAT Community Radio. Many thanks again to Kevin for pulling down the audio track so quickly and to DJ La La and OZCAT management for making space for us on Artbeat. In addition, there are now approximate starting times associated with each piece following the title. The slider is not very accurate but it will get you close to a particular reader's piece so you can pick and choose a bit easier.

More detailed information for submitting stories is now included on the "Information for Readers" page. "Edition number five is planned for May 16, 2019. If you would like to read, please drop us an e-mail at californiastorytellers@gmail.com.